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w Dzielnicy MOKOTÓW Warszawy


Rising Stars - Katalog BP Mokotów Warszawy
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Rising Stars: Untouchable / T. 1

Autor: Straczynski, J. Michael

Rising Stars is a 24-issue comic book series published by Top Cow Comics - a division of Image Comics - under the Joe`s Comics imprint.The story follows the lives of 113 people who were in utero when a mysterious "flash" hit their town. As the children grow up, they demonstrate different supernatural powers. Straczynski approaches the story from a real world perspective. What good is being invulnerable if you can`t do anything else? How do you get paid if you want to be a costumed crime fighter?

What if you just want to be normal? How does the government protect normal people without trampling on the civil rights of those with powers?The story is told in three eight-issue acts. Straczynski also wrote a Preview issue, an Issue 0, and an Issue 1/2.Joe Straczynski was involved in a dispute with Top Cow because he was locked out of the script writing process for the Rising Stars feature film. He demanded an apology, confirmation that the Joe`s Comics title belonged to him, and the return of Dream Police, which Top sat on for three years without publishing. This dispute was eventually resolved, and the final three Rising Stars issues were finally released after a delay of nearly two years.A graphic novel titled Rising Stars: Born in Fire collects the first eight issues. The second graphic novel, Power, collects issues 9 - 16. Visitations collects all of the special and stand-alone issues.

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Informacje o pozycji
Odpowiedzialność: J. MIchael Straczynski, Fiona Avery, rys. Brent Anderson
Hasła:Opowiadanie amerykańskie - komiks - 21 w.
Adres wydawniczy:Berkeley : Image Comics, 2006
Opis fizyczny:[26] s.; il. kolor., 26 cm
Uwagi:Jęz. ang.
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Wyp. Nr 63
ul. Pułku Baszta 5
tel. 22 844 86 81

Sygnatura: 821-3 Lit. amerykańska Kom. J.
Numer inw.: 7975
Dostępność: wypożyczana na 14 dni

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Katalog BP Mokotów Warszawy