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- Katalog BP Mokotów Warszawy
Okładka książki Great explorers / Jim Pipe
Okładka pozycji Great explorers

Great explorers

Autor: Pipe, Jim

Just as the unknown regions of the world seized the imagination of the great explorers, so the exploits of those explorers continue to fascinate readers today. The book captures all the thrill of exploration; its fears, dangers and hardships; encounters with hostile landscapes and peoples, and the excitement of progress. All areas of the globe are covered and the journeys of explorers both famous and not so famous: Florence Baker in Egypt and Sudan; Mary Kingsley in West Africa; Lewis and Clark

across the US; Franklin and Leary at the North Pole and Amundsen and Scott at the South. The book is arranged by region, and chronologically within that region. It captures the spirit of each age and explains how explorers, through reaching lands unknown to them, encountered peoples supporting advanced civilizations of their own. The final chapter examines the legacy of a region`s exploration, by explaining its political, economic and other consequences, whether they be the settlement of a continent or the creation of lasting national myths, as in Scott`s doomed mission to Antarctica.

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Informacje o pozycji
Odpowiedzialność:Jim Pipe
Wynalazcy i odkrywcy - historia
Adres wydawniczy:Oxford: Oxford University Press , 2008
Opis fizyczny:128 s.: il. kolor., mapy ; 28 cm
Uwagi:Na okł.: Look closer: Matthew Flinders became the first person to sail the whole way round Australia. He was inspired by reading Daniel Defoe`s Robinson Crusoe.
Powiązane zestawienia:Książki w języku angielskim
Wynalazcy i odkrywcy
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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tel. 22 844 86 81

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Sygnatura: Magazyn: 910
Numer inw.: 60564
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tel. 22 851 64 24

Sygnatura: Obcojęzyczne: 910.4
Numer inw.: 35935
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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Katalog BP Mokotów Warszawy