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w Dzielnicy MOKOTÓW Warszawy


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Okładka książki A morbid taste for bones / Ellis Peters.
Okładka pozycji A morbid taste for bones

A morbid taste for bones

Tł. pol.: "Tajemnica świętych relikwi".

Autor: Peters, Ellis

Notka biograficzna

In the remote Welsh mountain village of Gwytherin lies the grave of Saint Winifred. Now, in 1137, the ambitious head of Shrewsbury Abbey has decided to acquire the sacred remains for his Benedictine order. Native Welshman Brother Cadfael is sent on the expedition to translate and finds the rustic villagers of Gwytherin passionately divided by the Benedictine`s offer for the saint`s relics. Canny, wise, and all too wordly, he isn`t surprised when this taste for bones leads to bloody murder.The

leading opponent to moving the grave has been shot dead with a mysterious arrow, and some say Winifred herself held the bow. Brother Cadfael knows a carnal hand did the killing. But he doesn`t know that his plan to unearth a murderer may dig up a case of love and justice...where the wages of sin may be scandal or Cadfael`s own ruin.

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Informacje o pozycji
Odpowiedzialność:Ellis Peters.
Seria:Cadfael chronicles / Ellis Peters: T. 1
Hasła:Powieść angielska - 20 w.
Adres wydawniczy:London : Sphere Books Ltd, 2014.
Opis fizyczny:295, [3] s.; 20 cm.
Uwagi:Tekst w jęz. ang.
Powiązane zestawienia:Powieść i opowiadanie kryminalne
Powieść historyczna (czas akcji: Średniowiecze)
Książki w języku angielskim
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Notka biograficzna:

Zdjęcie Peters, Ellis

Peters, Ellis

Edith Mary Pargeter 28 września 1913 w Horsehay, zm. 14 października 1995 w Telford, brytyjska pisarka, tłumaczka. Znana głównie jako autorka cyklu powieści o bracie Cadfaelu, publikowanych pod pseudonimem Ellis Peters. Pargeter urodziła się w rodzinie o walijskich korzeniach. W czasie II wojny światowej służyła w Womens Royal Naval Service. Jest autorką kilkudziesięciu książek sygnowanych własnym nazwiskiem lub wydanych pod różnymi pseudonimami, na język angielski tłumaczyła czeską klasykę. Największą popularność przyniósł jej cykl historyczno-kryminalnych powieści [>>]

Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki:

Okładka książki  A rare benedictine  1Okładka książki  An excellent mystery  2Okładka książki  Brother Cadfael`s penance  3Okładka książki  Dead man`s ransom  4Okładka książki  Doskonała tajemnica  6Okładka książki  Dziewica w bryle lodu  7Okładka książki  Jarmark świętego Piotra  8Okładka książki  Kruk na podgrodziu  9Okładka książki  Lato Duńczyków  10Okładka książki  Monk`s-Hood  11Okładka książki  Niezwykły benedyktyn  12Okładka książki  Nowicjusz diabła  13Okładka książki  O jedno ciało za dużo  14Okładka książki  Okup nieboszczyka  15

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Serie (cykl) Cadfael Chronicles należy czytać w określonej kolejności:

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A morbid taste for bones Tom 1
Tom 1

A morbid taste for bones

In the remote Welsh mountain village of Gwytherin lies the grave of Saint Winifred. Now, in 1137, the ambitious head of Shrewsbury Abbey has decided to acquire the sacred remains for his Benedictine order. Native Welshman Brother Cadfael is sent on the expedition to translate and finds the rustic villagers of Gwytherin passionately divided by the [...]

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One corpse too many

An ingenious killer disposes of a strangled corpse on a battlefield. Brother Cadfael discovers the body, and must then piece together disparate clues--including a girl in boy`s clothing, a missing treasure and a single flower--to expose a murderer`s black heart.

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When a visitor to the abbey dies, Brother Cadfael faces a personal drama. For not only was the man poisoned by monk`s hood oil, made in Cadfael`s own laboratory, the dead man`s widow is also the woman to whom Cadfael was betrothed before he took his vows.

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Saint Peter`s fair

A pause in the civil war offers Shrewsbury`s townsfolk hope that the upcoming fair will be successful, but the discovery of the body of a wealthy merchant could destroy that hope.

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The leper of Saint Giles Tom 5
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The leper of Saint Giles

A savage murder interrupts an ill-fated marriage set to take place at Brother Cadfael`s abbey, leaving the monk with a terrible mystery to solve. The key to the killing is hidden among the inhabitants of the Saint Giles leper colony, and Brother Cadfael must ferret out a sickness not of the body, but of a twisted mind.

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The virgin in the ice

In the winter of 1139, raging civil war has sent refugees fleeing north from Worcester, among them an orphaned boy and his beautiful 18-year-old sister. Traveling with a young nun, they set out for Shrewsbury, but disappear somewhere in the wild countryside. Now, Brother Cadfael embarks on a dangerous quest to find them. Previously out of print.

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The sanctuary sparrow

Liliwin, a wandering minstrel, is thrown out of Daniel Aurifaber`s wedding feast after a jug is broken during his juggling act. Soon after, the groom`s father is found senseless beside his empty money box. A lynch mob sets off after Liliwin, who claims sanctuary in the abbey. The next day, the Aurifaber`s neighbour is found dead, and the ageing [...]

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In the autumn of 1140 the Benedictine monastery at Shrewsbury finds its new novice Meriet Aspley a bit disturbing. The younger son of a prominent family, Meriet is meek and biddable by day, but his sleep is rife with nightmares so violent that they earn him the name of "Devil`s Novice". Shunned by the other monks, Aspley attracts the concern of [...]

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Dead man`s ransom

The year is 1141 and civil war continues to rage. When the sheriff of Shropshire is taken prisoner, arrangements are made to exchange him for Elis, a young Welshman. But when the sheriff is brought to the abbey, he is murdered. Suspicion falls on Elis, who has fallen in love with the sheriff`s daughter. With nothing but his Welsh honor to protect [...]

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The fourth anniversary of the transfer of Saint Winifred`s bones to the Abbey at Shrewsbury is a time of celebration for the 12th-century pilgrims gathering from far and wide. In distant Winchester, however, a knight has been murdered. Could it be because he was a supporter of the Empress Maud, one of numerous pretenders to the throne? It`s up to [...]

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The confession of brother Haluin

Brother Cadfael is witness to a shocking near-death confession and accompanies a fellow Benedictine on a dangerous quest for redemption.

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The heretic`s apprentice

In her sixteenth chronicle of the medieval monk-detective Brother Cadfael, Ellis Peters throws a variety of puzzles at her hero. In the summer of 1143, Brother Cadfael is torn from his herbarium to investigate the deaths of two visitors.

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The potter`s field

In October of 1142, a local landlord gives the Potter`s Field to the local clergy. The monks begin to plow it, and the blades turn up the long tresses of a young woman, dead over a year. Then the arrival of a novice who fled from an abbey ravaged by civil war in East Anglia complicates life even further for Brother Cadfael.

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The summer of the Danes

To tie in with the hardcover release of Peters` The Benediction of Brother Cadfael, here is the 18th entry in the eminently successful medieval detective series. In the summer of 1144, Brother Cadfael is sent to Wales on church business and is captured by Danes. And when a prisoner is murderer, the clever monk knows he`ll not see Shrewsbury again [...]

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Brother Cadfael`s penance Tom 20
Tom 20

Brother Cadfael`s penance

While Cadfael has bent Abbey rules, he has never broken his monastic vows--until now. Word has come to Shrewsbury of a treacherous act that has left 30 of Maud`s knights imprisoned. All have been ransomed except Cadfael`s secret son, Olivier. Conceived in Cadfael`s soldiering youth and unaware of his father`s identity, Olivier will die if he is not [...]

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A rare benedictine

Finally, Brother Cadfael`s many fans can discover the chain of events that led him into the Benedictine Order! Lavishly illustrated, these three tales show Cadfael at the height of his sleuthing form. "Three classic stories featuring Brother Cadfael . . . whose powers of deduction are practically miraculous".--Booklist.

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