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w Dzielnicy MOKOTÓW Warszawy


The Story of Anne Frank / Author - Katalog BP Mokotów Warszawy
Okładka książki The Story of Anne Frank / Author: Jim Pipe.
Okładka pozycji The Story of Anne Frank

The Story of Anne Frank

Autor: Pipe, Jim

In this book, the famous story of one young Jewish girl`s experience of the Holocaust is brought to life. Anne Frank`s early life is happy and comfortable, but in 1930`s Europe, Germany`s political and economical problems lead to the rise of the Nazis and the eventual persecution on Jews. Anne and her family were living in Amsterdam when Germany invaded the Netherlands early in WWII. Persecution of Jewish people came to Amsterdam and the Franks were forced into hiding to avoid arrest, simply for

being Jewish. For two years, Anne Frank kept a diary of her family`s life in hiding until her eventual discovery and death. Anne`s diary was published by her father Otto Frank in her memory and for all those who died in the Holocaust.

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Sygnatura: II [J] [Q] ANG
Numer inw.: 59279
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni

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