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w Dzielnicy MOKOTÓW Warszawy


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Okładka książki Strange But True 10 of the World`s Greatest Mysteries Explained / Written by Kathryn Hulick ; Illustrated by Gordy Wright ; Published by Rachel Williams ; Designed by Nicola Price ; Edited by Katie Cotton ; Production by Nicolas Zeifman.
Okładka pozycji Strange But True 10 of the World`s Greatest Mysteries Explained

Strange But True 10 of the World`s Greatest Mysteries Explained

Autor: Hulick, Kathryn

Prepare to have your mind blown by 10 of the world`s greatest unsolved mysteries. From the first UFO abduction to the disappearance of plane MH370 and real-life zonbis in Haiti, these tales have perplexed mankind for decades. Author Kathryn Hulick uses expert testimony, scientific knowledge and historical fact to posit theories about what really happened, explaining the unexplainable. The mysteries are: Alien abductions Psychics Mysterious disappearances including plane MH370 Zombies Ancient aliens including the Nazca Lines Curses including King Tut`s tomb Monsters of the Deep including Nessie the Loch Ness monster The search for Atlantis Ghosts and haunted mansions Bigfoot.

Informacje o pozycji
Odpowiedzialność:Written by Kathryn Hulick ; Illustrated by Gordy Wright ; Published by Rachel Williams ; Designed by Nicola Price ; Edited by Katie Cotton ; Production by Nicolas Zeifman.
Hasła:Zjawiska paranormalne
Adres wydawniczy:London : Quarto Publishing, 2019.
Opis fizyczny:127 [1] strona ; ilustracje kolorowe ; 28 cm.
Twórcy:Wright, Gordy. Ilustracje

Powiązane zestawienia:Dla dzieci w języku angielskim
Encyklopedie dla dzieci
Legendy i podania (literatura dla dzieci)
Zjawiska paranormalne
Nauka w życiu codziennym, ciekawostki
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Numer inw.: 58633
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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