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w Dzielnicy MOKOTÓW Warszawy


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Okładka książki The Great Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac Written by Dawn Casey ; Illustrated by Anne Wilson.
Okładka pozycji The Great Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac Written by Dawn Casey ; Illustrated by Anne Wilson.

The Great Race The Story of the Chinese Zodiac Written by Dawn Casey ; Illustrated by Anne Wilson.

Autor: Casey, Dawn

And they`re off! Race along with Rat, Monkey, Dragon, and their companions as they join in the Emperor`s race. Who will win the ultimate honour of having the first year of the new Chinese Zodiac calendar named after them? This book provides an easy-to-read retelling of the story of the Chinese Zodiac, with accessible endnotes on Chinese astrology and festivals. It contains illustrations that incorporate numbers in Chinese script - ideal for classroom and library use. It also encourages reader interaction as children discover the animal sign of their birth year.

Informacje o pozycji
Adres wydawniczy:London : Barefoot Books, 2017.
Opis fizyczny:[32] strony : ilustracje kolorowe ; 27 cm.
Twórcy:Robinson, Anne. (1944- ). Ilustracje

Powiązane zestawienia:Legendy i podania (literatura dla dzieci)
Chiny - kultura
Dla dzieci w języku angielskim
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Aleje Niepodległości 19
tel. 22 847 63 43

Sygnatura: I [J] ANG
Numer inw.: 58335
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


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