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w Dzielnicy MOKOTÓW Warszawy


Christopher`s Caterpillars - Katalog BP Mokotów Warszawy
Okładka książki Christopher`s Caterpillars : a tale of minibeasts and mistery ! /
Okładka pozycji Christopher`s Caterpillars : a tale of minibeasts and mistery !

Christopher`s Caterpillars : a tale of minibeasts and mistery !

Autor: Middleton, Charlotte

Christopher Nibble is so busy tending his dandelion patch that it`s starting to take over his life and he doesn`t even have time for football any more. Then he meets his new neighbour, Posie. She offers to help him out in the garden. When the dandelion seedlings start being nibbled by caterpillars, it`s Posie`s idea to keep them as pets. Mr Rosetti from the cafe gives them some empty sweet jars and Christopher and Posie feed their furry caterpillars and watch them grow. But one morning

Christopher and Posie can`t see any caterpillars in their jars. They have disappeared! Quite desperate, they make `missing` posters and put them up all over Dandeville. It takes Mr Rosetti to reveal the miracle of metamorphosis to the two bereft guinea pigs. After the mystery is solved, Christopher and Posie`s lost-and-found posters showing brightly coloured caterpillars and butterflies delight all the guinea pigs of Dandeville when they are displayed in a special exhibition at the art gallery. A contemporary environmental tale set in a wonderfully surreal world where guinea pigs drink cappuccino, play football, and visit art galleries!

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Informacje o pozycji
Hasła:Literatura anglojęzyczna dla dzieci
Adres wydawniczy:Oxford, Oxford University Press , 2012
Opis fizyczny:[32] s. il. kolor ; 25x25 cm
Powiązane zestawienia:Książki w języku angielskim
Skocz do:Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki
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Aleje Niepodległości 19
tel. 22 847 63 43

Sygnatura: I [J] ANG
Numer inw.: 50386
Dostępność: można wypożyczyć na 30 dni


Inne pozycje tego autora w zbiorach biblioteki:

Okładka książki  Christopher Nibble : in a tale of dandelion derring-do ! [ang.]  1Okładka książki  Christopher`s bicycle : tale of cycling and recycling!  2

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